About Beijing

Beijing, the capital of People’s Republic of China (PRC), the center of politics, culture, transport, tourism and international communication, is a fast-growing, dynamic metropolis that, while courting foreign businesses and visitors, maintains a firm grip on its rich cultural heritage. It is a monolithic showcase that can give a brief view of China to foreign visitors.

  •    Area: 16,800 sq km (6552 sq mi)
  •    Population: 21.7 million
  •    Country: People’s Republic of China
  •    People: 95% Han Chinese
  •    Main language: Mandarin (putonghua)
  •    Time zone: GMT/UTC plus 8 hours
  •    Telephone area code: 010

Travel to Beijing, you’d better concern Beijing history. Here, ancient history and modern precipitation perfectly combines, attract visitors from the whole world. Beijing natives receive millions of visitors at home and abroad every year by their traditional enthusiasm, humor and hospitality.

As an ancient city, its history can be tracked back to 3,000 years ago. In the Spring-Autumn and warring Periods (770 BC – 221 BC), Yan Nation established capital in Beijing, called “Ji”. In Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms time Beijing area is the center of northern China. Wang Mang established in Beijing in the Yan Nation in end of the Western Han Dynasty, so that Beijing is also called “Yanjing”. During the South Song Dynasty Liao Nation established the Capital in Beijing called Pei, Jin Dynasty officially eatablished Capital in Beijing. Ever since, the Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty were established Capital in Beijing, a total of 34 emperors reigned over the whole country in Beijing.

The long history of Beijing left a large number of cultural relics and a rich and varied human landscape, which provided very rich tourism resources for Beijing. The magnificent Great Wall and the Forbidden City are the world-famous tourist attractions. The beauty of the Summer Palace, Beihai, Xiangshan, the Temple of Heaven the Royal Garden are magnets for visitors.


After the founding of New China, Beijing, as the country’s political and cultural center, the social business and urban infrastructure facilities have been making considerable progress. Especially more than 20 years after 1978 with the implementation of “reform and opening up”, Beijing has developed and changed rapidly. Now, it is a modern city with high-rise buildings, shopping malls and vast international hotels connected by an intricate freeway system crisscrossing the city. In the rush hour, traffic jams can match those of any major city around the world and the ringing of mobile phones is incessant. However, the modern buildings conceal traditional hutongs, parks, numerous architectural treasure and exquisite yellow-tiled temples whose prayer flags and wind chimes move in the breeze created by the passing traffic.


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Important Dates
Online registration and hotel booking sites open 
February 17, 2020 
Submission of abstract deadline 
April 30, 2020 
Author notification of abstract acceptance 
May 15, 2020 
Submission of full-length draft paper for review deadline 
May 31, 2020 
Electronic copyright form submission process opens 
June 15, 2020 
Submission of revised paper for revised check deadline 
July 1, 2020 
Submission of copyright form deadline 
July 10, 2020 
Submission of final paper deadline 
July 20, 2020 
Advanced registration due 
July 31, 2020 
Online registration due 
August 20, 2020